About Bulli Football Club
Bulli Football Club was established in 1901 and is a member club of Football South Coast. The club has a proud history of being a family club and currently has 9 teams across the Men’s and Ladies Premier league and Men’s Over 35’s. Bulli FC became a limited company in 1994 after purchasing Balls Paddock Children’s Centre, a community based non-profit long day care centre for 2 to 5 year old children which is run by representatives from Bulli Football Club, parents and community members. We are always looking for new members and invite all interested persons to come along to our games or Club Meetings.
Dane Hamilton (President), John Van De Voorde (Secretary), Carolyn Muir (Treasurer), Paul Connery, Ray Smith, Ben Smith, Christine Hamilton, Zoe Connery, Richard McNeill
Life Members
Roy Hancox, Edith Hancox, Paul Hancox, Tony Hancox, Christine Hamilton, Jock Hamilton, Alex Matiuscenko, Ken Mangles, David Haines, Bill Spicer, Bob Sargeson, Hans Van Ede, Steve Hammersley, Gary Mann, Grahame Baker, Elaine Baker, Alexander “Sandy” Christie, Duncan McNeill, Richard McNeill, Harry Kappen, Kevin Love, Steve Davies, Abe Cajar, John Gardiner, Klaus Simovic, Carolyn Muir, Brian Hobbs, Len Bain, Phillip Grant, Rodney Paterson, Paul Connery, Dane Hamilton, Ben Smith, John Van De Voorde
Member Protection Officers
Richard McNeill, Paul Connery